Numbers in Dart #

In the previous video, I told you there are two possible numbers data type is there.

  • Integer (Integer Number)
  • Double (Rational Number)

How to define/declare a variable ?

int variable_name_1;   
double variable_name_2;

Once you declare a variable with it’s type name after that computer will remember that this label is of type integer or double or whatever type you have wrote in the program.

In dart integer is refereed as int

Example 1 #

In this example we will define/declare a variable a of int(integer number) type, after that we will assign some value to a.

int main(){
    int a;
    a = 2; 

Example 2 #

In this example we will define/declare a variable x of double(decimal number) type, after that we will assign some value to x.

int main(){
    double x;
    x = 3.14;

You can assign some value to the variable at the time of variable declaration also.

Example 3 #

Here I defined a variable a with the initial value of 2.

int main(){
    int a = 2; 

Example 4 #

Here I defined a variable x with the initial value of 3.14.


int main(){
    double x = 3.14;
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